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Nahrané webináře

Zde si můžete prohlédnout všechny webináře, které se již uskutečnily.

Process Variability and Defect Formation During Pouring

8. října 2020 - 8. října 2020  Process Variability and the true Cost of Investment Casting Defects

Process Variability and the true Cost of Investment Casting Defects

Efficient Evaluation In The Result Perspective

29. září 2020 14:00 - 15:00 (Europe/Berlin)

In the Result Perspective of MAGMASOFT®, you evaluate your 3D simulation results based on your objectives and requirements. There are many possibilities and ways for you to focus the presentation of the different results on the desired information, such as clipped geometry, color scale, transparency and many more.

Core Curing – On the Road to Success with Well-Proven Methodology - Part 2

25. srpna 2020 14:00 - 14:45 (Europe/Berlin)

This webinar is the sequel to "core production with MAGMA C+M".

Core Production – On the Road to Success with Well-Proven Methodology - Part 1

28. července 2020 14:00 - 14:45 (Europe/Berlin)

In this webinar we will show you how to predict defects in sand cores early on.

New Opportunities in MAGMASOFT® 5.4.2

21. dubna 2020 14:00 - 14:30 (Europe/Berlin)

In this webinar you will be introduced to the new features of MAGMASOFT® 5.4.2.