In this workshop you will learn the basics of how to use inverse optimization and will practice the use of user-specific results ('User Results') for simulation and optimization with MAGMASOFT®. By making use of inverse optimization, you will work out how to better adjust the boundary conditions of your simulation model to your actual process conditions based on measurement results obtained in your foundry. This allows you to suit your simulation results even better to the real process.
Participants: Users of MAGMASOFT® wishing to deepen their knowledge about inverse optimization and user results and desiring to use simulation more extensively by implementing individual criteria and specific process conditions and boundary conditions.
Required qualifications: Experience in working with MAGMASOFT®
Duration: 1 day
Dates: Upon request
Your investment: 600 EUR (plus 19% VAT)
MAGMA Gießereitechnologie GmbH
Kackertstraße 16-18
52072 Aachen
Dipl.-Ing. Tristan Kotthoff
Malaika Heidenreich
Phone: +49 241 88901-699