Geometry Creation for Optimization
In this workshop, you will get to know more about specific topics of the Geometry Perspective in simulation, design of experiments and autonomous optimization. You will learn know to purposefully use parametric geometries in MAGMASOFT® and increase the efficiency when creating your own geometries. Moreover, you will find out how to create geometries for the optimization of your casting design or your tool layouts both with and without using external CAD software. read more
Interpretation of Simulation and Optimization Results
In this workshop, we present well-established strategies for adjusting your work with MAGMASOFT® to the specific requirements of your company. You will systematically evaluate simulation and optimization results using practical examples and develop your own strategies for their implementation.
The workshop is subdivided into sand mold casting and permanent mold casting. read more
Tips and Tricks
Do you need help in handling simulation and optimization in MAGMASOFT®? In this workshop, you will work with practice-oriented examples and applications focusing on major key areas. read more
Inverse Optimization and 'User Results'
Learn about the benefits and handling of inverse optimization and practice how to make systematic use of user-specific results ('User Results') for simulation and optimization with MAGMASOFT®. read more
Coaching MAGMAstress
MAGMAstress offers a great variety of different possibilities and ways to simulate residual stresses, crack risks and distortion in castings. This workshop gives you an overview of the possibilities, innovations and current methods for using this module.
The workshop is subdivided into sand mold casting and permanent mold casting. read more
Coaching Optimization
This workshop aims at showing you the systematic and efficient use of virtual optimization for your specific tasks. For this purpose, you bring your own projects. Together with your trainer you will discuss how to adopt a methodological approach based on your projects: from defining your objectives, degrees of freedom and quality criteria up to their efficient implementation and deriving concrete measures.
The workshop is subdivided into sand mold casting and permanent mold casting. read more
In case you have no access to the MAGMAsupport area yet, please turn to your responsible contact person at MAGMA or send a request to the following e-mail address:
Dipl.-Ing. Tristan Kotthoff
Malaika Heidenreich
Phone: +49 241 88901-699