Přečtěte si níže ohlasy MAGMA uživatelů, jak dosáhli zlepšení pomocí simulace slévarenských procesů a optimalizace, v různých oblastech slévárenství.
Hot tearing is one of the main defect sources in steel castings. ... více
For Chongqing Dajiang Millison (CDM), the targets in production are clear: fast product ... více
Each hour, the sun radiates enough energy onto the earth to cover the annual energy demand of ... více
The Surya TOTO engineering division was recently challenged to cast something they had never ... více
G.A. ... více
Customers come to Spokane Industries’ steel foundry not just to buy castings, but to find ... více
Toshiba Uses MAGMA5 to Reduce Inclusions in its Steel Castings. ... více
How one die caster uses technology to profitably produce a challenging automotive casting. více
The foundry ETA d.o.o. in Cerkno, Slovenia, belongs to the E.G.O. ... více
Watry Industries has been a customer of MAGMA as a software user for over five years and, on a ... více