Přečtěte si níže ohlasy MAGMA uživatelů, jak dosáhli zlepšení pomocí simulace slévarenských procesů a optimalizace, v různých oblastech slévárenství.
Tecnopress S.p.A. ... více
In recent years, foundries have been facing continuously growing pressure from their customers ... více
Robust castings realized through a dialog between designers and foundry více
Hot tearing is one of the main defect sources in steel castings. ... více
At ZI in Bergzabern, Germany, the new virtual experimentation capabilities in MAGMA5 were ... více
Heunisch-Guss has been using MAGMA5 for years as part of its preventative quality management ... více
Třinecké železárny (TŽ) is a well-known producer of cast ingots. ... více
G.A. ... více
In 2008, Fundição Brasileira de Alumínio (FBA) was appointed by Volkswagen do Brasil to develop ... více