If you are an experienced user of MAGMASOFT®, our workshops will deepen your knowledge of the software and give you an overview of numerous additional application options. You will take a close look at simulation results, learn how to derive adequate measures using the MAGMA APPROACH and communicate those consistently and effectively in your company.

Groups with a maximum of seven participants ensure that you benefit from educational offerings that are individual as well as intensive.

We offer the following workshops:

Tips and Tricks

This workshop provides you with much helpful information about the effective use of simulation and optimization in MAGMASOFT®. For this purpose, you will work with practice-oriented examples and applications focusing on major key areas. read more

Inverse Optimization and 'User Results'

In this workshop you will learn the basics of how to use inverse optimization and will practice the use of user-specific results ('User Results') for simulation and optimization with MAGMASOFT®. read more

Workshop including Simulation Project

You can see the potential in using casting process simulation for your company, but you are not fully convinced yet? Here is our offer! A MAGMA expert will be dedicated to your problem, generate a simulation while explaining the concrete procedure enabling you to build up your own know-how. read more

Individual Workshops

In addition to our standardized training program, we are also happy to offer you an individual workshop customized to your needs - either at the MAGMAacademy or at your site. read more

Event Calender

In our event calendar you will find all events. Find the right continuing education course for you and register!

MAGMAacademy Contact

Dipl.-Ing. Tristan Kotthoff
Malaika Heidenreich

Phone: +49 241 88901-699
Mail: Show email