MAGMASOFT® 6.1 – Efficient Optimization of Processes and Profitability

With new functionalities and extensive enhancements, MAGMASOFT® 6.1 offers comprehensive support for optimizing low pressure die casting processes and facilitates the design of die-cast parts. A specially developed process module for rheocasting and thixomolding processes adds numerous new options for users in core production and continuous casting.

In addition, the newly introduced ECONOMICS Perspective enables, for the first time, a quantitative evaluation and optimization of both costs and CO₂ emissions for all simulation projects, improving both the profitability and the sustainability of all applications.

Highlights in MAGMASOFT® 6.1

What's New in MAGMASOFT® 6.1?

MAGMASOFT® 6.1 offers numerous innovations that increase efficiency in all casting processes. With advanced simulation, analysis and optimization tools, the software enables the precise evaluation and optimization of manufacturing processes, supported by new material databases, innovative functionalities and seamless integration with other applications.


  • Material databases: extensive databases for considering the product behavior of different auxiliary materials, including an extended Foseco PRO Module and new Çukurova feeder datasets
  • New measurement mode: The 'Geometric Dimensions' mode in MAGMAstress facilitates the measurement of distance, flatness and roundness for the evaluation of casting distortions.
  • 'Tracer count': Counts particles in the melt in predefined areas and enables the early localization of unwanted inclusions as well as the quantitative comparison of gating and risering systems.
  • 'Channel Assistant': automatic generation of cooling channels from voids in the mold geometry to improve temperature control in permanent mold casting processes
  • 'Volume Wrap': Groups several volumes into a geometric shell for more detailed simulation results and targeted process optimization.
  • Automatic export for MAGMAinteract®: Project results and STL geometries can be exported automatically to reduce the manual effort involved in communicating the results.

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What's New in MAGMAlpdc & MAGMAwheel?

With the latest version MAGMASOFT® 6.1, MAGMA offers users innovative possibilities for precise simulation and optimization of low pressure die casting processes. Advanced solver technologies and improved mesh generation make the mapping of complex casting processes even more efficient, while comprehensive support for the counter-pressure casting (CPC) process sets new standards in process analysis. MAGMASOFT® 6.1 thus offers a toolbox for robust modeling and optimization of low pressure die casting processes.


  • New solver technologies: To map complex casting processes both precisely and efficiently, solver technologies are used that have already proven themselves in high pressure die casting, permanent mold casting and core production.
  • Extended mesh generation: integration of composite and True Adaptive Geometry (TAG) meshes for accurate geometry and process mapping
  • Heating phase: heating of the permanent mold with electric heating cartridges with PI control and Variotherm temperature control
  • Additional 'Tracer' results: in-depth insights into temperature, velocity and pressure of the melt as well as path length analysis
  • Identification of air entrapments: New "air" results support the evaluation of air entrapments in the casting.
  • Dedicated CPC extension: specific definition of process parameters and simulation for the counter-pressure casting process
  • MAGMAlpdc and MAGMAwheel: innovations to take into account surface tension, pressure influence on feeding, flow in temperature control channels and electrical heating systems
  • Extended prediction capabilities: analysis of turbulence, air entrapments, feeding-related porosity and local heat flows

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What's New in MAGMAhpdc?

MAGMAhpdc offers innovative functionalities for component design that make it possible to work even in the early planning phase without having to specify a casting system or a machine. By using virtual gates, die casters are able to make a quick and efficient initial assessment of the die filling process and flexibly adjust the casting conditions to the project status.


  • Early component design: Works without explicitly defining the casting system or machine.
  • Virtual gate: Enables a fast and efficient evaluation of the die filling process by simply defining gates directly on the casting.
  • Reduced model: use of a reduced model for a quick and precise initial assessment
  • Flexible casting conditions: adjustment of pouring times, pouring rates and pressure curves depending on the project status
  • Targeted component design: support through simple evaluation of the die filling process in the early planning phase

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What's New in MAGMA C+M?

MAGMA C+M and MAGMASOFT® 6.1 integrate an "automatic pressure calculator". In milliseconds, this innovation simulates the overall system "machine plus core box", offering a fast and realistic calculation of the pressure conditions for optimizing the shooting parameters. The close link between the core shooting and core curing simulation and the current machine configuration provides reliable, practical information for the real conditions in the core-making shop.


  • Automatic pressure calculator: Calculates the pressure at the shooting nozzles based on machine parameters and core box design.
  • Optimization of the shooting parameters: Enables precise mapping of the overall system consisting of machine, core box and shooting process.
  • Seamless integration: The calculated pressure curves are seamlessly integrated into the 3D simulation, offering optimal conditions for an exact mapping of the real shooting process.
  • New database: provision of information on core molding materials, shooting and venting nozzles and core shooting machines
  • Reduced simulation time: The simulation time for gassing processes with inorganic binders has been reduced by up to 80 percent.
  • Improved visualization: New visualization capabilities facilitate the analysis of complex correlations and the derivation of targeted optimization measures.

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What's New in MAGMA CC?

MAGMA CC offers significant innovations for the simulation of continuous casting processes, enabling the precise analysis and optimization of the strand quality. With flexible pouring velocity control and an advanced turbulence model, users gain deep insights into the flow behavior and the mechanical influences during the casting process, which supports the identification of improvement potentials for process quality.


  • "Stop & go" control: flexible variation of the pouring velocity, including pauses and return strokes
  • Detailed insights: fast creation of a 1D profile of the simulation results for the entire strand length
  • Quantitative evaluation of inclusions: particle counting for evaluating the inclusion displacement in different strands over the process time
  • Microporosity: microporosity prediction by an optimized criterion
  • New turbulence model: accurate description of the flow behavior in the launder, in submerged entry nozzles and especially in the sump area
  • Influence of the guide rolls: analysis of the mechanical influence of guide rollers on strand deformation and quality, especially in the case of incorrect roller positions

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Innovation in Lightweight Design: MAGMAsemisolid

MAGMAsemisolid in MAGMASOFT® 6.1 is a specialized process module that takes into account the rheology of semi-liquid melts for rheocasting and thixomolding processes. With an advanced viscosity model, users can achieve precise results and optimize process parameters to produce high-quality parts with minimal scrap.


  • Thixotropic viscosity model: realistic simulation of the flow behavior of partially solidified metallic melts, taking into account shear rate, temperature and time
  • Precise results: detailed analysis of material distribution and solidification behavior for improved component quality and reduced scrap rates
  • Process-oriented definitions: Allow users to accurately enter the actual casting conditions, including the plunger movement and the screw stroke during thixomolding.
  • Integration with other modules: Combined with MAGMAstress, a comprehensive optimization of the entire manufacturing process is possible.
  • Process transparency: Maximizes the potential of modern production technologies as a fully integrated tool.

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MAGMA ECONOMICS: Focus on Sustainability and Profitability

MAGMA ECONOMICS brings a new dimension into MAGMASOFT® that allows users to quantitatively evaluate both the economic and the ecological impact of different process variants directly in the software. This integrated perspective supports informed decisions that align with both technical requirements and economic or ecological goals.


  • New perspective: MAGMA ECONOMICS enables the quantitative evaluation of costs, energy consumption and CO₂ emissions combined with quality criteria directly in MAGMASOFT®.
  • Data used: The evaluations are based on the geometries, materials and processes available for the simulation as well as the simulation results.
  • Customizable templates: Templates for common materials and processes incorporate specific cost and emission factors.
  • Comprehensive analysis: detailed analysis of resource consumption and manufacturing costs throughout the entire casting process
  • Scenario comparison: Users can vary process parameters individually and compare different scenarios without investing additional simulation time.
  • Integrated solution: fully integrated into MAGMASOFT®, no additional modules or licenses required
  • Autonomous Engineering: seamless integration for optimization and virtual design of experiments
  • Comprehensive evaluation: simultaneous evaluation of quality, productivity, project costs and carbon footprint for all processes and applications

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MAGMASOFT® 6.1 Webinars
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Latest Publication

MAGMASOFT® 6.1 – Efficient Optimization of Processes and Profitability

With new functionalities and extensive enhancements, MAGMASOFT® 6.1 offers comprehensive support for optimizing low pressure die casting processes and facilitates the design of die-cast parts. A specially developed process module for rheocasting and thixomolding processes adds numerous new options for users in core production and continuous casting.

In addition, the newly introduced ECONOMICS Perspective enables, for the first time, a quantitative evaluation and optimization of both costs and CO₂ emissions for all simulation projects, improving both the profitability and the sustainability of all applications.

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