Highlights in MAGMASOFT® 6.0


Achieve your objectives faster and more easily with a redesigned user experience. A few of the highlights:

  • Streamlined and intuitive user interface
  • Uniform look and feel from project definition through result evaluation
  • Frequently used and required functions are in the forefront
  • Customizable user favorites for quick and easy access for geometry creation and manipulation
  • Accelerated result visualization for fast display and animationsSimple synchronization of multiple result animations
  • Easier optimization evaluation through access to 3D information from designs

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Highlights IN MAGMASOFT® 6.0 - Non Ferrous

New capabilities and new algorithms provide a better and more accurate representation of the complete permanent mold casting process for:

  • Following and evaluating entrapped air in the gating and casting during pouring
  • Generation and transport of core gases during filling and solidification
  • Effects of melt surface tension and wetting
  • Accurate description of the pouring conditions for the casting
  • Heating of the mold before starting production
  • Influence of flow through cooling lines on local heat transfer from the die
  • Effects of electrical heating cartridges and Variotherm control on the die thermal balance
  • TAG meshes for an accurate representation of the casting contour and fewer elements with mesh coarsening

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MAGMA Steel HT – Now for More Alloys

MAGMA Steel HT offers steel casters a more extensive range of alloys that can be used for the simulation of heat treatment processes. In addition, new, alloy-dependent results support more accurate predictions regarding microstructures and casting properties during and after heat treatment, for example, the austenite or martensite start temperatures.

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MAGMA CC – More Simulation for Continuous Casting

MAGMA CC users benefit from new capabilities: They can consider the influence of electromagnetic stirring on the flow and thus better evaluate the quality of their product. In addition, the thermomechanical behavior between strand and mold is better defined by gap-dependent heat transfer coefficients. It is also possible for users to display moving geometries in the Result Perspective. This allows an accurate interpretation of the real starting process including the visualization of the moving starting block.

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General Improvements for All Casting Processes

With MAGMASOFT® 6.0, users can now simulate mold filling from multiple pouring basins or inlets with different boundary conditions, even when using automatic filling control. The levelling of the metal surface between the pouring basin/sprue and the casting at the end of mold filling can be considered. In addition, users can decide whether the cavity should be filled completely or only up to a certain level (by mass or volume of melt).

New 3D results and curves are also now available for more accurate and targeted evaluation of filling and solidification.

Latest Publication

MAGMASOFT® 6.1 – Efficient Optimization of Processes and Profitability

With new functionalities and extensive enhancements, MAGMASOFT® 6.1 offers comprehensive support for optimizing low pressure die casting processes and facilitates the design of die-cast parts. A specially developed process module for rheocasting and thixomolding processes adds numerous new options for users in core production and continuous casting.

In addition, the newly introduced ECONOMICS Perspective enables, for the first time, a quantitative evaluation and optimization of both costs and CO₂ emissions for all simulation projects, improving both the profitability and the sustainability of all applications.

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