Evaluation of Simulation Results with MAGMASOFT®

The use of simulation results and their implementation in corresponding measures require fundamental knowledge and experience regarding the numerous possibilities and quality criteria. This particularly applies to all those who do not use MAGMASOFT® themselves, but wish to understand and better evaluate the results of the software and also want to make more intensive use of them.

This seminar will introduce you to the different simulation results and the wide range of (quality) criteria available in MAGMASOFT® for high pressure die casting/ sand casting. Based on practically relevant examples, you will find out how to analyze the results and make efficient use of them. Moreover, you will also learn how to interpret simulation results, evaluate the associated properties as well as effectively and successfully implement these insights in your company.

The seminar focuses on sand casting/ high pressure die casting.

Intended audience: Foundry managers, casting purchasers, executives and experts from design, quality and purchasing departments

Duration: 1 day

Kackertstraße 16-18
52072 Aachen, Germany


450 € without tax



 3/5/25 - 3/5/25

 3/6/25 - 3/6/25


 3/5/25 - 3/5/25

Evaluation of Simulation Results - Focus Sand Casting

 3/6/25 - 3/6/25

Evaluation of Simulation Results - Focus High Pressure Die Casting

MAGMAacademy Contact

Dipl.-Ing. Tristan Kotthoff
Malaika Heidenreich

Phone: +49 241 88901-699
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