In our wide spectrum of MAGMASOFT® trainings, you as a user learn how to handle the software and make efficient use of it. By adopting the MAGMA APPROACH, we help you to develop a methodical procedure for the systematic and efficient use of MAGMASOFT®.
By systematically adopting the MAGMA APPROACH, you learn about the target-oriented use of MAGMASOFT®. Groups with a maximum of six participants ensure that you benefit from educational offerings that are individual as well as intensive.
As a MAGMASOFT® user, you will first attend a basic training. Here, you will obtain the basic knowledge for the daily work with MAGMASOFT®. The focus is on the fundamental approach and the secure handling of the software. read more
You will usually attend the process training immediately after the basic training: Here, you will extend the use of simulation focusing on a specific material or your specific casting process. read more
The virtual process optimization focuses on your concrete use cases and will teach you how to proceed methodologically to find an efficient and robust solution to your tasks. read more
In addition to these standard training events, you can also book an individual training for the following topics. Here, you learn how to use the corresponding MAGMA product/ module. read more
In our event calendar you will find all events. Find the right continuing education course for you and register!
Dipl.-Ing. Tristan Kotthoff
Malaika Heidenreich
Phone: +49 241 88901-699
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