What's New in MAGMA C+M?

 (c) MAGMA GmbH

In MAGMA C+M, the new "pressure calculator" automatically calculates the pressure applied to the shoot nozzles based on the machine parameters. This fast identification of the pressure boundary conditions enables a realistic representation of the overall system, consisting of the machine, core box and shooting process. The calculated pressure curves are seamlessly integrated into 3D simulations and form the basis for optimizing the shooting parameters.

In addition, the simulation time for gassing processes with inorganic binders has been reduced by up to 80 percent. New visualization capabilities facilitate the analysis of complex correlations and enable the targeted derivation of optimization measures. With these functions, the simulation of core shooting and core curing in MAGMA C+M is more closely linked to the current machine configuration and provides robust, practical information for the real conditions in the core-making shop.


  • Automatic pressure calculator: Calculates the pressure at the shooting nozzles based on machine parameters and core box design.
  • Optimization of the shooting parameters: Enables precise mapping of the overall system consisting of machine, core box and shooting process.
  • Seamless integration: The calculated pressure curves are seamlessly integrated into the 3D simulation, offering optimal conditions for an exact mapping of the real shooting process.
  • New database: provision of information on core molding materials, shooting and venting nozzles and core shooting machines
  • Reduced simulation time: The simulation time for gassing processes with inorganic binders has been reduced by up to 80 percent.
  • Improved visualization: New visualization capabilities facilitate the analysis of complex correlations and the derivation of targeted optimization measures.
Latest Publication

MAGMASOFT® 6.1 – Efficient Optimization of Processes and Profitability

With new functionalities and extensive enhancements, MAGMASOFT® 6.1 offers comprehensive support for optimizing low pressure die casting processes and facilitates the design of die-cast parts. A specially developed process module for rheocasting and thixomolding processes adds numerous new options for users in core production and continuous casting.

In addition, the newly introduced ECONOMICS Perspective enables, for the first time, a quantitative evaluation and optimization of both costs and CO₂ emissions for all simulation projects, improving both the profitability and the sustainability of all applications.

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System Requirements

MAGMASOFT® is available for all suitable current operating systems such as Linux and Windows. MAGMASOFT® can be used on multi-processor computers or massively parallel on cluster computers.