Overview of the Upcoming MAGMAacademy User Workshops in the 2nd Half of the Year

Tips and Tricks
How effective is your work with MAGMASOFT®? Do you know how to obtain results in a targeted manner? In this workshop, get much helpful information about the effective use of the software and deepen your knowledge. read more


Inverse Optimization and 'User Results'
With inverse optimization, you learn to better adjust the boundary conditions of your simulation model to the concrete process conditions based on measurements in your foundry, so that the simulation results represent the real process even more accurately. Furthermore, with the use of user-defined results, you can better predict the quality of the cast part. read more


Geometry Creation for Optimization
You will learn how to purposefully use parametric geometries in MAGMASOFT® and increase the efficiency when creating your own geometries. Moreover, you will learn how to create geometries without using external CAD software. Using concrete examples, you will use the many possibilities of the Geometry Perspective and prepare geometries for statistical design of experiments. read more


Coaching Optimization
Bring your own projects and work out how to get meaningful results faster by using optimization systematically and efficiently to design a robust casting process. Together with your trainer you will discuss the application of a methodical approach to your projects: from defining your objectives, variables and quality criteria up to their efficient implementation and deriving concrete measures. read more


Interpretation of Simulation and Optimization Results
Do you also sometimes wonder how to evaluate the results now? What does the scale, value or display in this area mean? Then this is the right workshop for you. Here, we present recommended strategies for adjusting your simulation and result evaluation to the respective tasks and requirements in your company. read more


Intensive Workshop MAGMAstress
Bring your knowledge of stress calculations with MAGMASOFT® up-to-date and refresh your knowledge of the stress fundamentals on the topics of residual stresses, crack risks and distortion. This workshop focuses in particular on the use as well as the evaluation of stress results. read more

MAGMAacademy Workshop in Aachen (c) MAGMASOFT®

MAGMAacademy Workshop in Aachen

In case you have no access to the MAGMAsupport area yet, please turn to your responsible contact person at MAGMA or send a request to the following e-mail address: Show email.

MAGMAacademy Contact

Dipl.-Ing. Tristan Kotthoff
Malaika Heidenreich

Phone: +49 241 88901-699
Mail: Show email