Následující příklady ukazují jak naši zákazníci úspěšně využívají  MAGMASOFT® k dosažení lepší kvality odlitků,  snížení nákladů nebo ke zkrácení doby přípravy.

There’s Still Untapped Potential: Improved Yield by Optimized Feeder Geometry With MAGMASOFT®

Fundimig produces high-quality castings from ductile iron using exothermic cylindrical sleeves. ... více

Mold-Filling Defects in Gray and Ductile Iron

In cast iron production, dross formation, gas defects, and oxide films are all heavily ... více

A Large Step Ahead: Conserving Natural Resources, Exploiting Economic Opportunities

With this goal in mind, the Indonesian company Preformed Line Products (PLP Indonesia) has been ... více

Introduction and Global Roll-out of MAGMASOFT® at Continental

This article describes the motivation for introducing MAGMASOFT® at Continental, the subsequent ... více

Riser Redesign to Feed Wheel Hub

Metalurgica Frum was trying to develop a wheel hub for several months without success. ... více